Everything is all happening at once faster than I expected. Dario has contacted me and given me one day, or more accurately half an hour of one day to film our opening this sunday. Needless to say I'm thankful he's opened his restaurant to us but I'm also stressed on the time constraints. Dario isn't exactly a negotiating man so I have to work with what I'm given here so this is going to be stressful at the least, thankfully my cast is available for the our 10 am time slot so we have that going for us. The cast is finalized as of now as Yana playing the female lead Jude, Myself Playing the Male lead, Alex, Darren and Kim on Camera and direction, Me and Kim on editing. On top of all this we also have a finalized version of our script and we will be finished with the storyboard by today.
INT- A busy diner (bellini) in the early morning.
The camera follows the waiter of the diner as he walks to a table with food in hand. He places the food down on the table and walks away. As the fork and knife reaches for the first bite the camera moves from close shot of the food to a medium shot of the female character.
She picks up the food and bites into the waffle. She looks to the man across her and sees his distress.
Jude: (with a faint smile, offers a bit of her food) You want some?
Alex rejects the food and Jude retreats from her offer. She goes on speaking to fill the silence. She speaks with her mouth full.
Jude: To be honest (takes another bite of chicken) This isn’t the worst thing I’ve put in my mouth (faint smile trying to break tension).
Alex watches her chew, still irritated, he tells her how he feels about the situation.
Alex: (reacts to her ignorance) Why did we have to do this now?
Showing the profile of both characters and Jude being irritated.
Jude: What?
Alex: We had planned for a week, I had a car ready...In a WEEK.
Jude slams her fork.
Jude: (Looks away from Alex, chewing and swallowing her chicken. She faintly whispers to herself) A week…(She looks to Alex) I couldn’t wait another week.
The shot shows Alex’s reaction to Jude’s outburst. He knows he’s awakened the Dragon.
Jude: You don’t understand what I have to go through...The troubles I have to face.
Alex struggles to be mad at Jude and looks down to the emptiness.
Jude: You think I enjoy having a father who doesn’t love me...Who prefers Jack Daniels over his own daughter.
Jude Begins to raise her voice making Alex feel like shit for putting her on the spot.
Jude: So I apologize if i needed to get out as fast as I could. I’m sorry I wanted to run away with the best thing that has ever happened to me...you. I didn’t mean to inconvenience you.
Jude looks away from Alex, Hiding her face as Alex looks at Jude, wanting to fill the silence.
Alex: (nervously chuckles) (peers over to her and then looks down) So you think your dad is going to be looking for us?
Jude looks up with satisfaction knowing she has gotten what she wanted. Alex tries to get a straight answer.
Alex: Jude seriously, I need to know if he’s going to be looking for us.
Jude takes another piece from the food and is very excited.
Jude:Don’t worry...where we’re going...nobody will find us.
Alex looks blantly into Jude.
Jude:(leans close to Alex’s face) Even if they tried.
Alex: So what do you wanna do (grabs some of Jude’s food) When we get there.
Jude: What the keys? (grabs food) We can do whatever we want there...that's the whole point.
Alex: (Smiles) How long is that going to be?
Although today has been a day full of progress, we still have a lot to plan and this saturday might just end up being the most Hectic day of my life. I have faith we can pull this off if we work diligently. However if we don't Im going to move to my second option for location.
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