Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Whats going on people, welcome back to my blog.

Over the weekend our group made a lot of progress so much so that I couldn't possibly fit it into one blog, so these next two blogs are going to focus on what happened on Saturday and Sunday Individually. Today's Blog will be about our preparations we made Saturday. 

Unlike most Saturdays I woke up very early with one goal in mind, get everything ready for tomorrow. So I met with Kim and a few friends who were willing to help us and I compiled a list of things we'd need for tomorrow.


two plates
two forks
two knives
two waffles
two sets of chicken
daly (I don't know how to spell that)
Camera (obviously)
SD card (32 gigs at least)
My car

Yana- Jude 
Nick- Alex
Sebastian- Pushes daly
Darren- Waiter
Kim- camera
Nick and Kim- Directing

Overall most of the stuff on the list was easily accessible or already on hand. The only thing I couldn't account for was the daly. Now in retrospect the daly wasn't necessary, some might say it was even useless, but at the time I believed that our first at last scene would be incomplete without it. Now obviously we couldn't buy a daly so we did the next best thing and decided to build one. Just a warning the video quality isn't the best here.  as shown in the video to build the daly we tapped a thick piece of wood and a few pcp pipes to hand truck in order to create a stable plat form for the camera operator that was also slim and mobile. the final product ended up  looking a lot like a U-haul storage cart. As you can see from the video the pcpc tubes and the handle were meant to help stabilize the camera as the daly moved. the video below shows this  process as the daly follows me.
like I said earlier the daly wasn't as useful as we intended it to be but i had a lot of fun making it and overall i liked the concept we had for it. 

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