Saturday, March 26, 2016

Whats going on everyone, welcome to post number four, I decided against putting titles because I like saying Hello every post so this going to be the continuous format.

This post is a follow up to my last post that focused on the script of the opening, this time i'm going to get into the storyboard that we created around the same time we made our script. once again we captured our thoughts during this period by recording our audio so ill be putting up those logs as well as the summary in this post. Here are the three audio logs 1,2,3. They are a bit lengthy, even more so than the last bunch. What we mainly wanted to accomplish with the storyboard was to have an idea of what is happening during the dialog but we also put a lot of emphasis on making sure we had a reason for doing each shot the way we did it. This was a little difficult for us at first because we mostly shooting dialog so there isn't too much that can be done in terms of camera work. A lot of the choices we made involved the position of the camera in relation to where our character is facing. its not exactly easy for me to describe what i mean in words but there's a great video from the YouTube channel Every Frame A painting that I mentioned earlier in the blog. The video is about the use of the shot counter shot technique that is often used for dialog, and it goes far in depth on how the simple technique can express a lot of different styles and emotions based on how it is done. So to end this blog post here is our first draft for our story board. If you didn't already hear from the audio clips let me warn you now, I am a terrible artist i don't know why Kim didn't do it. Also a lot of the drawings are very simplified and don't take into full account what we plan to do and the dialog line do not represent where the shot starts in the dialog but rather just allow us to understand the general idea of when we want each shot to take place in the script.

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